
Welcome to South West District Palliative Care

Since 1997, South West District Palliative Care has supported clients and their families in the municipalities of Rockwood, Rosser, Woodlands, part of Armstrong and the towns of Stonewall and Teulon who are dealing with declining health or in need of grief support. 

SWDPC is now a part of the Nav-CARE program which facilitates the development of volunteer navigators to support persons living at home with declining health.  The Board is thankful for donations and community support as SWDPC depends solely on both for its funding.

Our Mission

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for clients by facilitating comprehensive, compassionate programs for clients experiencing a chronic or terminal illness and their families or significant others/caregivers.


Our mission is to also enhance the quality of a person’s remaining life through physical, spirtual, emotional, and social support to family and significant others/caregivers through the period of illness and bereavement.

Our Philosophy

Palliative Care is an approach of care focused on improving the quality of life and overall wellbeing of people (clients) with chronic, life altering illnesses that are possibly life threatening.  Palliative Care ma also involve support for their families or significant others/caregivers.

Palliative Care is a continuum of care that begins with the diagnosis of an incurable, possibly life-threatening condition and follows through with the resolution of grief for the family after death.

Contact Us Today to Learn More About How We Can Provide the Best Care for Your Loved Ones.

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